Shaun Chavis is a freelance writer specializing in food issues. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a culinary arts degree, and master’s degree in gastronomy from Boston University. She’s worked as a newscast producer and online news producer for television stations in Oklahoma City, Durham and Boston. She wrote an award-winning weight loss blog as a diet editor for Health magazine, and edited cookbooks for Cooking Light, Southern Living, and other brands. Shaun grew up the daughter of a U.S. Army officer and still loves travel. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

Recent Contributions

Salt is something most of us use without thinking about it. But with so many options available, how do we know what's best?

By Shaun Chavis

Do you have a bushel of banana peppers from your garden, and nothing to do with them? Never fear. We have ways to use them all.

By Debra Ronca & Shaun Chavis

In 2017, bottled water surpassed soda as America's favorite drink and the trend continues. How did something we get for free become a multi-billion-dollar business?

By Shaun Chavis


Deep frying a turkey can be risky business. But if you know how to do it right, you'll be rewarded with a succulent and juicy result you simply can't get from roasting.

By Shaun Chavis

Everyone loves getting holiday cookies. But nobody loves getting cookie crumbles. So how do you ship your cookies so they don't break?

By Shaun Chavis

Don't be alarmed if you find a few of these funky mushrooms popping up in your yard right when the weather turns cool and wet.

By Shaun Chavis

Fresh cranberries are a sign that the holidays are in full swing. But what are some simple ways to utilize with this tiny tart fruit?

By Shaun Chavis


Fresh fish can pack a punch in the good nutrients department. But when it comes to sushi, that punch can be good or bad, and it all depends on what you order.

By Shaun Chavis

Unless it's fresh-squeezed (and even then) juice is loaded with sugar, often as much as a can of Coca-Cola. So why do we still tout it as healthy?

By Shaun Chavis

Instant Pot is all the rage. But what's the big deal? What makes this pressure cooker so great?

By Shaun Chavis

Americans have come to expect certain foods for breakfast. But why did these particular foods end up as morning meals?

By Shaun Chavis


Canned foods are super convenient, but there's often a stigma attached to serving them. Is that warranted?

By Shaun Chavis

Raw milk is actually blamed for foodborne illnesses across the United States, and it's illegal to sell in several. But is it really warranted?

By Shaun Chavis

Your favorite yogurt could have more sugar than a 12-ounce can of soda. So, is it even healthy?

By Shaun Chavis

Peppers are getting hotter these days. But which one is the hottest of them all? And why do we keep searching for ever-hotter peppers?

By Shaun Chavis


Grocery store tomatoes are all but flavorless anymore. A group of scientists is out to bring the ripe, red taste of summer back.

By Shaun Chavis

The keto diet is high in fat and low in carbs — ideal for quick weight loss, but not necessarily for keeping it off.

By Shaun Chavis

It's a pie. Filled with squash. Who in the world decided that was a good idea?

By Shaun Chavis

Craving some sugary sweet cotton candy? Then reach for these grapes instead. You'll be shocked at how much they taste just like the spun stuff.

By Shaun Chavis


Nothing goes better with a cup of coffee than a sweet cupcake. But do you crave the two together or does that cup of joe actually make you hungry?

By Shaun Chavis

Lobster has long been associated with luxury and fine dining. But could newly imposed Chinese tariffs change that?

By Shaun Chavis

And a simple biscuit recipe to go along with it.

By Shaun Chavis

The number of Americans living in food deserts has decreased, but there's still a long way to go before everyone has access to healthy food.

By Shaun Chavis


The U.S. government ban on artificial trans fats went into effect on June 18, 2018, but includes a one-year extension for certain additives.

By Shaun Chavis

More than 230 teams will compete at the 2018 World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest, also known as Memphis in May.

By Shaun Chavis