Search Results | misdemeanor

Your search for "misdemeanor" returned 63 results

Can You Answer These Random Questions About Law Enforcement?

Is your knowledge base at Joe Friday levels? Or are you more like Barney Fife? (Or maybe you don't watch enough cop shows to get what we're saying!) Our point is, take our quiz now, and find out how much you know about law enforcement!

Why Did the Harts Deliberately Drive Their Family Over a Cliff?

Broken Harts is a new serial podcast that delves into the tragic deaths of the Hart family. HowStuffWorks finds out more.

Why are some national contests invalid in certain states and other countries?

Why are most national contests in the United States, void in Rhode Island? And what does "void where prohibited" mean? Also, why are these contests open only to U.S. (and sometimes Canadian) residents?

What Happens If I Don't Fill Out My Census Form?

On my census form it says, 'Your response is required by law.' What happens to me if I don't fill it out? Will anyone even notice?

Test Your Law Enforcement Knowledge With This Quiz

No one can escape the long arm of the law, unless, of course, the law isn't paying attention. Law enforcement is a profession for people who don't mind putting themselves in the middle of conflicts, being in danger, and spending most of their lives filling out paperwork. How much do you know about law enforcement?

How to Protect Your Packages From Porch Pirates

Chances are you get several packages mailed to your house. Are you worried about package theft? We've got some tips to derail porch pirates.

10 Completely Archaic Laws Still on the Books

There are lots of weird, archaic laws on the books. Learn about some of the most bizarre and completely archaic laws still on the books.

Can Anyone Make a Citizen's Arrest?

What does Spider-Man do when he sees someone commit a crime and there are no police officers around to help? He swings in, wraps the wrongdoer in his web and leaves them hanging from a telephone pole until the cops take over.

Can You Bury Someone in Your Backyard?

You don't have to use an expensive funeral home in most states. Learn more about home burials at HowStuffWorks.

Who Owns the Rights to a Dinosaur Skeleton?

Who owns the rights to irreplaceable fossils? HowStuffWorks looks at the controversy.

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