Search Results | long island sound

Your search for "long island sound" returned 404 results

10 Wild Facts About the Aye-Aye, a Most Improbable Animal

This long-fingered primate with the perpetually startled golden eyes is considered one of the most distinctive animals on Earth

Humpback Whales Have Made an Amazing Comeback From Extinction

Humpback whales can be as long as a city bus and weigh as much as two. They love to breach and water slap with their fins and tails, making them a perennial favorite for whale watchers.

How Different Accents Develop Within the Same Language

What influences how a language sounds among different groups of people? Learn about language and accents in this HowStuffWorks article.

Travel the World: New Zealand Geography

Exercise your brain with this quiz about New Zealand's natural wonders. How far can you go to peel back layers of time and reveal the secrets of this magical place? Nowhere on Earth is like these islands that sit atop the Ring of Fire.

Just How Many Galaxies Are in the Universe?

Galaxies are large systems of stars, gas, dust and dark matter that orbits a center and is bound by gravity. Learn about the characteristics of galaxies.

What If You Drink Saltwater?

It's all fun and games when you're on a deserted island. But eventually you're going to get really thirsty. How bad can glugging seawater be?

Where in New York Should You Live?

New York: The Empire State. More than just New York City (which isn't the state capitol by the way), New York State is a huge state with wetlands, coastal islands, magnificent mountains and Great Lakes access. Where in New York should you live?

Boston, New York, Texas: The Origins of These and Other Great American Accents

What does Boston have against the letter R? Why do Minnesotans sometimes drag out the 'O' sound? And what about the Noo Yawk accent?

How Walruses Work

Walruses pack the beaches of Round Island off the coast of Alaska by the thousands each year. Learn when the walruses gather and other walrus facts.

The Blue-footed Booby Dance Gets the Girl Every Time

The blue-footed booby is known as much for its comical mating dance as for its intensely colored blue feet.

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