Search Results | list of u.s. state amphibians

Your search for "list of u.s. state amphibians" returned 16 results

1942-1944 Jeep: Jeep Enters World War II

The 1942-1944 Jeep entered World War II and became an instant success in battle. Learn about the versatility and war feats of the World War II jeep.

10 Venomous Creatures in Your Backyard

Did you know that venomous creatures live in your own backyard? Learn about 10 venomous creatures that could be living in your backyard.

How Voodoo (Vodou) Works

If asked to describe Voodoo, many people would mention pin-filled dolls, zombies and spirit possessions. Explore the Voodoo religion and find out if the stereotypes about it are true.

Russian Army Repels Hitler's Forces: August 1942-January 1943

The Russian Army repelling Hitler's forces put an end to the bloodiest battle in history. Learn about it and other World War II events of this period.

HowStuffWorks Newsletter Quiz

If you took one of our recent newsletter quizzes, you've come to the right place for the answers.

Allergy Basics

Allergies are so commonplace that we often do not stop to think of how or why they occur. Learn more about how allergies work.

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