Search Results | fishing net

Your search for "fishing net" returned 289 results

Who Knew Fish Sex Could Be So Loud?

The spawning chorus of the Gulf corvina is the loudest sound made by any fish, anywhere. HowStuffWorks listens in on the action.

Gharial: The Rare Crocodilian With an Extremely Narrow Snout

The gharial is one of the rarest and most unusual-looking crocodilian species on the planet. Learn more about this unique species and discover what conservation groups are doing to protect gharial populations.

What's the oldest joke?

Even the Ancient Egyptians told jokes in hieroglyphs. Learn what the oldest joke is at HowStuffWorks.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch: The World's Biggest Landfill in the Pacific Ocean

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the world's largest landfill, is located in the middle of the Pacific. Read about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Deep Ocean Giant Isopod Looks Like a Huge Roly-poly Bug

Tons of these humongous bug-like creatures live in the darkest depths of the sea, but they are still somewhat of a mystery to us humans.

What Rank Will You Earn in the Navy Based on Your Wilderness Skills?

Not everyone who joins the Navy gets to sail the high seas. You do, however, get a rank! Show us what you're made of in some wilderness situations, and we'll tell you how high you'll rise. Will you be an admiral or an ensign?

Sea Snakes Can Be More Venomous Than Rattlesnakes

There are more than 50 species of snakes that live in the seas. Some are super venomous and they can zip through the water with ease.

Will a Shark Drown if It Stops Moving?

Can a shark drown if it stops moving is a question that people have been asking since they laid eyes on the shark. Find out how can a shark drown.

Rarest Animals in the World: 10 Critically Endangered Species

The 10 rarest animals in the world are still found in the wild but are dangerously close to becoming extinct.

Overfishing Endangered Species

Overfishing has placed many fish near extinction. Check out this guide for overfishing at HowStuffWorks.

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