Search Results | el salvador

Your search for "el salvador" returned 73 results

¿Puedes relacionar la bandera con el país latinoamericano?

¿Experto en geografía latinoamericana? ¿Conoces las banderas de los países de América Latina? ¡Es hora de demostrarlo, ya que te pondremos a prueba con varias de ellas!

What Is MS-13 and Why Is It So Scary?

President Donald Trump says deporting members of MS-13 will make the U.S. safer. HowStuffWorks looks at the gang's history and whether it's that simple.

¿Te sabes las capitales de los países americanos?

Ya sea que vengas de Norteamérica o Sudamérica, o de fuera del continente americano, ¡intenta adivinar las capitales de estos países!

3-D-Printed Houses Could Revolutionize Affordable Housing

HowStuffWorks checks out technology firm ICON and nonprofit New Story, who have developed a low-cost 3-D-printed house.

¿Cuánto sabes sobre Latinoamérica?

Latinoamérica es un mosaico de diferentes culturas, creencias, idiomas y orígenes. Algunos de los datos sobre Latinoamérica serán claros, mientras que otros te van a sorprender. Vamos a separar a los ignorantes de los sabelotodos.

¿Crees que puedes nombrar todas estas banderas de Latinoamérica?

Esa pieza de tela rectangular generalmente con franjas de color, verticales u horizontales, algunas veces con escudos u otras figuras simbólicas, que se emplea como insignia de un país, se llama bandera. ¿Crees que puedes reconocer estas banderas de Latinoamérica?

Colombia, Not Finland, May Be the Happiest Country in the World

The Scandinavian countries tend to come out on top in the World Happiness Report. But the report doesn't actually ask participants if they're happy. When that question is included, the country rankings are quite different.

How Much Do You Know About Latin America?

Latin America is a patchwork of different cultures, beliefs, languages and backgrounds. Some of the facts about Latin America will be clear, while others will astound you. Let's separate the ignorant from the know-it-alls.

Can You Guess These Spanish-Speaking Countries from Their Outlines?

Hola to all of you Spanish-loving folks out there! There are 21 countries that have Spanish as the official language and lots of others that have many Spanish speakers. Think you can guess the country from its outline? No es dificil, try it!

Can You Match the Country to The Ocean or Sea it Touches?

Around 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water in the form of oceans, seas and lakes. The remaining area consists of just under 200 countries, but do you know which countries border which water bodies? Take our quiz to find out!

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