Search Results | behavioral geography

Your search for "behavioral geography" returned 33 results

The Reclusive Gila Monster Packs a Venomous Punch

The Gila monster is the most venomous lizard on U.S. soil. But despite the fact that its bite can be debilitating, its venom can also save lives.

Alien Sightings: Probing the Influx of UFO Reports

For centuries, people have been reporting sightings of strange objects in the sky — unidentified flying objects (though UAP is the term du jour). These events continue to captivate the world.

Frédéric Chopin: The Child Prodigy Who Captured the Soul of the Piano

Frédéric Chopin gave only 30 public performances of his piano works during his lifetime, but his influence on the soul of classical music was immeasurable.

John Smith's True Story Is Way Better Than the Fictional Tale

John Smith has been described as a tireless soldier, self-promoter and publicist. In today's speak, you might even call him an influencer.

What was Australia's Stolen Generation?

The Stolen Generation is a dark chapter in Australia's history. Read about the Stolen Generation and how Aborigines were taken from their homes.

Are women better politicians?

Are women better politicians? They're certainly in the minority, but could that actually make women better politicians?

Biggest Snakes in the World: Meet Earth's Giant Serpents

While you may not want to encounter one on a hike, there's no denying that snakes are magnificent creatures — no matter how big or small they are. But when it comes to the biggest snakes in the world, nature truly knows no bounds.

Vocabulary Category Quiz: SAT Edition

Studying for the SAT can be laborious, exigent and onerous, but this quiz will get you ready to ace the vocabulary section in no time. Can you match the following 35 words to the categories they belong in? Start scrolling and find out!

10 Scientifically Sound Weather Superstitions

Ever hear that saying that a cow lies down when rain is coming? This superstition may not be as udderly ridiculous as you think.

Can You Pick Out the Misspelled Word in Each Sentence?

It's a sad truth: Spellcheck just can't catch everything. It doesn't, for example, know whether you meant "union" or "onion." Test your own internal spellchecker now, with our quiz!

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