Search Results | aircraft

Your search for "aircraft" returned 730 results

Can You Identify All of the Cold War Aircraft from an Image?

FOX ONE! You'd better be ready​ because this quiz is coming at you like a sidewinder. Are you a master of Cold War aircraft? Prove it with this quiz!

Can You Figure Out The Purpose Of These Aircraft From Their Image?

Aircraft are as versatile as vehicles. From fighter jets to mail-delivery and refueling stations, do you think you can figure out the function of these aircraft from their image? Best of luck, this is a high-flying order!

¿Qué tanto conoces sobre los mejores aviones de la Segunda Guerra Mundial?

Los aviones de combate alcanzaron la mayoría de edad durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tanto los Aliados como las potencias del Eje produjeron cantidades alucinantes de aviones en una apuesta por asestar el golpe de la victoria. ¿Cuánto conoces sobre los mejores aviones de la Segunda Guerra Mundial?

How the V-22 Osprey Plane Works

The Osprey is a unique aircraft. How does it work? And what has caused its recent failures? Get an in-depth look at the aircraft's systems and design.

How WWII Fighter Planes Worked

The film "Pearl Harbor" is now playing. Look at the aircraft involved in that battle, technological marvels for their time.

Lockheed P-38 Lightning

The Lockheed P-38 Lightning was considered the most sophisticated aircraft Lockheed had ever built. The distinctive sight and sound of the P-38 would make it one of the best-known aircraft of the war. Learn more about the unique P-38 Lightning plane.

What's the Difference Between Airspeed and Ground Speed?

Measuring how fast an aircraft travels depends on whether you factor in the speed of the wind behind it.

How does stealth technology work?

When an airplane is described as a "stealth" aircraft, what does that mean? What is "stealth technology" and how does it work?

Greatest Moments in Flight

Flight pictures show photos from aviation history. Take a look at pictures of the most important aircraft in history.

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is considered the most effective reconnaissance aircraft in history. See specifications for this classic airplane.

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