Search Results | plains zebra

Your search for "plains zebra" returned 26 results

Can You Identify These National Parks?

From Florida's underwater reefs to California's 2,300-year-old forests, celebrate these wild lands by seeing how much you know about some of the biggest and baddest landscapes.

Why Do Spotted Hyenas Laugh?

We all remember the laughing hyenas from "Lion King", but who knows why these canines laugh? We do. Find out why spotted hyenas laugh in this article.

Baby Giraffes Get Their Spots From Mom

A study found that baby giraffes get their spot patterns from their moms. HowStuffWorks looks at the study and what it means for giraffes in the wild.

Why do wildebeests spend their whole lives migrating in a circle?

Wildebeest migration involves nearly one million wildebeests walking 1,000 miles in search of food. Read about wildebeest migration, an arduous trek.

Can You ID These Butterflies from an Image?

Are you a master Lepidopterist? If you don't know what that word means, you may have a few things to learn about butterflies. You can still pass this quiz if you think you have what it takes to identify these guys from an image.

Can You Identify the Animals From "The Lion King"?

It's the circle of life, and it moves us all—but it's a lot easier to move through certain circles if you can recognize everyone in them. How well do you remember the animals featured in this beloved Disney hit?

Can You Pass This Hard General Knowledge Quiz?

Do you know where the word “trivia” comes from? If you're already rolling your eyes because that's such an easy question, then this quiz is for you!

Can You Name These Weird Animal Species from a Photo?

Have you ever seen an animal that looks like it walked out of a secret lab? Well, it turns out that there are quite a few of them. Take this quiz to find out how well you know them!

10 Countries With Perfect Climates

A perfect climate means different things to different people. These 10 countries span the globe and offer a wide range of climates to satisfy any taste -- hot, cold or in-between.

How Many Trees Can You Identify By Their Leaves Alone?

Most people don’t realize how complex and distinguishable tree leaves are! In fact, most people can’t complete this quiz with a perfect score. How well do you really know your trees when given only the leaf to look at?

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