Search Results | pictures of golfers

Your search for "pictures of golfers" returned 46 results

Can You Identify These Famous Moments in Sports History?

People do great things in sports every day, but some moments stand apart from the rest. Can you name them if we show you a picture?

Choose Between These Athletes and We’ll Guess How Much of a Risk Taker You Are!

No matter what sport they play, famous athletes know that you can't get a reward without taking a risk! Pick the athletic team of your dreams, and we'll know if you're bold enough go double or nothing. Well, are you?

Choose Between These Athletes and We’ll Guess How Much of a Risk Taker You Are!

No matter what sport they play, famous athletes know that you can't get a reward without taking a risk! Pick the athletic team of your dreams, and we'll know if you're bold enough go double or nothing. Well, are you?

7 Strange Ways to Die

Some causes of death stand out for their sheer level of peculiarity. See our list of 7 strange ways to die, including the death of Isadora Duncan.

Top 5 Sunscreens for Athletes

Sunscreens for athletes should be sweat-proof. Visit HowStuffWorks to see the top 5 sunscreens for athletes.

How Pawnshops Work

Need a fast loan? Want to buy a TV for next to nothing? The pawnshop's the place, and what goes on in the storefront is only half the story. Learn all about the pawnbroking business.

The Tragic Life and Curious Death of Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes was a man of great intelligence and wealth. He was also a man of mystery, secrecy and, ultimately, debilitating mental illness.

Can You Match These Sports Brands to Their Slogans?

Some slogans stick with us for years, while others make us wonder what the marketing team was thinking. This quiz will just cover sports brands, but the slogans might not be their most recent, since ad campaigns can change quickly. Can you match the following slogans with the sports brands that used them?

What are the best golf exercises for seniors?

Golf exercises can add fitness with recreation and improve your game. See the best golf exercises for seniors at Discovery Fit & Health.

Apollo 11 Put the First Men on the Moon. What About Missions 12-17?

You know Apollo 11. But what did the other Apollo missions accomplish after Neil Armstrong made his giant leap for mankind?

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