Search Results | earthquake images

Your search for "earthquake images" returned 234 results

How Nuclear Power Works

On the one hand, nuclear power offers a clean energy alternative that decreases fossil fuel dependence. On the other, it summons images of quake-ruptured Japanese power plants leaking radioactive water. What happens in reactors in good times and bad?

Japanese Scientists Invent Ice Cream That Doesn’t Melt

Japanese scientists have developed a soft serve ice cream that doesn't melt. HowStuffWorks looks at the cool concoction.

10 Reasons Why Bridges Collapse

You may see most bridges as those things you cross on your way to somewhere else, but where would you be if one collapsed? We've figured out 10 reasons why the worst happens.

Will we ever run out of magma?

Will we run out of magma, or is there an infinite supply within the Earth's crust? Find out if we will ever run out of magma.

Can animals predict the weather?

If animals predict the weather, could they save human lives? Learn if animals predict the weather, or if they have a meteorolgoical sixth sense.

Can animals predict death?

Can animals predict death? Oscar the Cat made the news for predicting deaths of nursing home patients. Learn about how animals can predict death.

How Building Codes Work

Strong, well-enforced building codes can save lives and reduce property damage in a natural disaster. But who sets and enforces building codes?

10 Ways the Earth Is Trying to Kill You

Mother Earth seems to have a love/hate thing going on with humans. While the planet we call home has all the essentials we need for life, it also has some nasty — and deadly — surprises.

How Weather Alerts Work

Weather alerts are sent through many forms of communication whenever bad weather strikes. Learn how weather alerts work in this article from HowStuffWorks.

10 Amazing Things Dogs Can Sense

Dogs have great senses and are insightful, intuitive creatures. See 10 amazing things dogs can sense to learn more.

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