Search Results | artificial intelligence

Your search for "artificial intelligence" returned 197 results

How Alan Turing and His Test Became AI Legend

HowStuffWorks Looks at the Turing Test and whether it has been passed by an intelligent artificial being or not.

AI Completed Beethoven's Unfinished 10th Symphony. Here's How It Sounds

Famed composer Ludwig von Beethoven died leaving just a few notes for his 10th Symphony. More than 200 years later, scientists use artificial intelligence to finish the job.

Will computers overtake humans in intellectual ability?

A computer's intellectual ability is faster than the human brain. Find out if computers can be programmed to overtake humans in intellectual ability.

Ghost in the Machine: When Does AI Become Sentient?

A Google engineer made headlines for claiming that an AI called LaMDA had become sentient or conscious. While many AI scientists disagreed, what would it take for an AI to ever become sentient?

What's the technological singularity?

The technological singularity happens when computers develop their own intelligence. Learn about the technological singularity.

The First 'Killer Robot' Was Around Back in 1979

With the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots heating up, we step back a few decades to look at the first human death by robot.

Are You Actually an Android?

The difference between humans and robots is getting thinner each day. HowStuffWorks Now talked to some AI experts who muddied the waters even further.

How Alternate Reality Gaming Works

Alternate reality gaming takes gaming from the virtual world to the real one. Learn more about the interactive activity at HowStuffWorks.

Will robots get married?

Robot weddings between a human and a robot could be possible by the year 2050. Learn about these robot weddings and the ethics of robot marriages.

Google Home Speakers Argue, Talk About Their Feelings on Twitch

Two Google Home bots have been chatting about life and love on Twitch. Learn more about bots conversing at HowStuffWorks Now.

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