Search Results | animated movies

Your search for "animated movies" returned 1,786 results

How Computer Animation Works

Computer animation makes possible many things that could not be done with traditional animation. Learn about this fast-growing field from HowStuffWorks.

How Animation Software Works

Animation software can help animators turn their concepts into visible animation. Find out what animation software can do.

Which Anime Character Are You?

Anime covers an enormous range of human (and inhuman) experiences, from faultless superheroes fighting to make the universe a better place to frail dancers who look for a place in the world to call their own. Find out which anime character lives within you!

Puppies and Goslings and Lambs, Oh My! The Baby Animals Quiz

Are you ready to overdose on adorable animal trivia? And we’re not talking just any adorable animals -- we’re talking about fuzzy-wuzzy baby animals. How much do you know about their names, care, habits and literary counterparts?

Inside 'Bee Movie'

'Bee Movie' is written, produced and stars comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Take an inside look at 'Bee Movie' and learn about the creation of 'Bee Movie.'

What Animal Represents You?

Everyone has an animal that represents them. The question is, which one represents you? Take this quiz if you want to know what it is!

Do you know your Japanese anime?

From movies to TV shows, anime has made a lasting impression on U.S. culture. Prove your anime knowledge by completing this quiz on some of the most popular anime ever made!

How TV Animation Works

Typically, it takes nine months or more to create one half-hour animated show, while you can push out a live action sitcom in just a few weeks. Learn about all the steps involved in this process.

Movie Trivia Challenge

You've got throwing an Oscar party down pat. Your favorite blogs are written by grips, gaffers and set designers. The people who work the box office at three movie theaters know you by name. Think you've got what it takes to pass this movie quiz?

To Infinity and Beyond: The Pixar Movie Quiz

Have you watched every Pixar animated film multiple times? Does it feel impossible to choose a favorite? Then test your knowledge with this quiz. The answers may surprise you.

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