Search Results | Sumerian
Your search for "Sumerian" returned 50 results
The Fertile Crescent Truly Was the Cradle of Civilization
A roughly crescent-shaped region encompassing modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and parts of Turkey and Iran, the Fertile Crescent was home to the world's first settled agricultural communities.
Who Was the World's First King?
This is not an easy question to answer, thanks to the mists of time. But historians have put forth several possibilities. An ancient tablet claims one king ruled for 28,000 years!
Test Your Mental Mettle With These Ridiculous Riddles
Riddles certainly aren't new. In fact, ancient Sumerians were writing them over 4000 years ago! Let's see how well you do with our collection of brain-teasers!
What Was the First War?
Did humans invent war out of necessity, or was it invented purely to take advantage of someone else? Find out why we invented war in this article.
What was the world's first underarm deodorant?
What was the world's first underarm deodorant? Visit Discovery Health to learn what the world's first underarm deodorant was.
How Much Do You Know About Ancient Empires?
These are the empires that changed the world, influencing generations that followed them. If you think you know everything about history's great empires, take this quiz and prove it!
Could Noah's ark really have happened?
Is it possible that Noah's ark really existed? Find out more about Noah's ark and if a great flood was a reality.
10 Deities Who Like to Party
Do you know the top 10 deities that like to party? Check out the 10 deities that like to party in this article from
Who Is the Snake Goddess? Depends Where You Ask
The snake goddess trope has slid through various cultures throughout history, embodying powerful symbols of fertility, protection and transformation. From the ancient temples of Crete to the mythological landscapes of Egypt and India, these deities have played significant roles in religious practices and storytelling.
Why is Mesopotamia called the cradle of civilization?
Mesopotamia was a region in the Middle East from which all of civilization developed. Learn about Mesopotamia and the birth of ancient civilization.