Search Results | Narnia pictures

Your search for "Narnia pictures" returned 15 results

How Narnia Works

Explore the inspirations behind the Chronicles of Narnia. Take a look at the newest movie adaptation of the most famous of the seven books.

Can You Match the Author to the Fiction Book?

It's not easy being well read, as there are so many great books out there to choose from. If you're a book lover, try your hand at this very literary HowStuffWorks quiz!

Can You Tell Us Who Wrote These Famous Novels?

We can't begin to count the millions of books that have been written since man perfected the art of printing. We've chosen some of the most famous tomes from around the world, but can you tell us who wrote them?

Can You Guess These Classic Childhood Books From A Single Sentence?

Who could forget trying to recreate "Green Eggs and Ham" in their family's kitchen, or secretly hoping that their closet led to another world, like Narnia? Take this quiz to see how well you remember your favorite childhood stories!

Can you Guess This Children's Book From the Main Character's Name?

Some of the greatest children's books can leave a lasting impression, but just how much can you remember from these books? Find out how many children's books you can name just from the main character's name alone.

Do You Know The Names Of These Historical Men?

HEROES! Humanity needs great men, and you will find none greater than the men of this quiz! Can you prove your mettle by identifying them?

Can You Successfully Name These Historic Figures?

Are you the master of history? Here we have a list of some of the most esteemed minds of human civilization: can you recognize them? Put your skills to the test with this quiz!

Inside 'I Am Legend'

'I Am Legend' is a new movie in which a virus wipes out the Earth's population, except for one man. Take an in-depth look inside the movie 'I Am Legend.'

Could I install a hidden passageway in my home?

A hidden passageway isn't just for Scooby-Doo or Harry Potter. Learn why the hidden passageway is on the rise and why homeowners want one.

Inside 'Nim's Island'

Nim's Island is an adventure story about a girl who lives on a remote tropical island with her father and exotic pets. Learn about Nim's Island.

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