Search Results | Computer Security Image Gallery

Your search for "Computer Security Image Gallery" returned 222 results

How Paperless Home Offices Work

Paperless home offices reduce environmental impact, save money and increase office efficiency and security. Learn about paperless home offices at HowStuffWorks.

How Google Earth Works

Google Earth is a popular online mapping program that is free to download. Find out how Google Earth works and learn about Google Earth's basic functions.

Are RFID ignition systems secure?

RFID ignition systems rely on radio-frequency signals to reduce car thefts. Learn about RFID ignition systems and find out if they really icrease security and reduce thefts.

How does a logic bomb work?

Logic bombs can cripple a company's computer system by revealing or destroying sensitive information. Learn how logic bombs work.

Should I move my hard disk to the cloud?

The contents of your hard disk can now live in the cloud, but are some things better off local? Find out if you should move your hard disk to the cloud.

How Casinos Work

Casinos bring in billions of dollars in revenue each year. Learn about casinos and find out how security keeps casinos safe and fair.

How Trojan Horses Work

A Trojan horse is a program that looks helpful but actually lets a cracker take over your computer. Find out more about a Trojan horse.

How the Mac Mini Works

The Mac Mini was first geared toward PC switchers. What do people say about it now? Learn about the features and specs of the Mac Mini.

How Data Centers Work

Cloud computing, e-mail services and streaming media all have to be handled by interconnected computers. Find out how data centers work.

How Computer Mice Work

The mouse might just be the computer user's best friend. Every day of your computing life, you reach out for your mouse whenever you want to move your cursor or activate something. Learn how this human-machine interface translates your movements into digital data.

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