Search Results | Cave Image Gallery

Your search for "Cave Image Gallery" returned 95 results

How Cave Dwellers Work

Cave dwellers are stereotyped as heavy-browed and dim-witted. But who are the real cave people? Read about cave dwellers and their subterranean lives.

How Cave Biology Works

Cave biology is the study of the animal specimens that live and evolve in caves. Learn about cave biology and cave animals in this article.

5 Most Amazing Caves

The Doll's Theater of Carlsbad Caverns looks otherworldly and took ages to form. What other incredible sights await us below ground?

7 Secret Caves We'd Love to See Inside

There are caves all over the world, but some are in places that are hard to explore — hidden by rocks, ruins or even under ice. We've found seven secret caves you probably never knew existed.

What's the difference between stalactites and stalagmites?

Stalactites and stalagmites are two common cave features that are often mistaken for each other. Learn about stalactites and stalagmites.

Is the sun bad for my nails?

Is the sun bad for my nails? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn if the sun is bad for your nails.

Could a fungus cause the extinction of bats?

The world could be facing a possible bat extinction due to an odd plague. Learn how a possible bat extinction could drastically affect the ecosystem.

How Bats Work

Bats are the only mammals that can fly, and they live much of their lives hanging upside down. Learn about bat wings, bats and echolocation, bat caves and bat myths.

Will a Shark Drown if It Stops Moving?

Can a shark drown if it stops moving is a question that people have been asking since they laid eyes on the shark. Find out how can a shark drown.

Are the Dropa stones authentic?

Ancient caves! Mysterious stones! Tiny little beings with strange heads! Sounds like the plot of an Indiana Jones movie, doesn't it? The legend of the Dropa stones has persisted for over half a century now, but is any of it actually true?

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