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Is the Doomsday Fish Actually a Terrible Omen?

As land-dwelling humans, the ocean can be both fascinating and a little (or a lot) frightening. It's therefore not all that surprising that an appearance of the large, strange-looking oarfish might make people anxious, especially in our social-media addled age.

What's the Easiest Business to Start? 14 Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Looking for a career change, or just trying to make some extra cash on the side? You may be able to leverage talents that you already have and put them into your own hustle, or maybe you're simply on the hunt for the easiest business to start.

Unveiling the Profound Significance of Angel Number 888

Discover the profound significance of the 888 angel number. Uncover how this powerful symbol of abundance and balance can influence your life journey.

Here's Longest Bridge in the U.S., Plus 7 Runners-Up

Bridges are some of the most awesome and breathtaking constructions, both from a visual standpoint and from an engineering standpoint. They provide such a stark contrast with nature suspended over huge bodies of water and almost appearing to defy gravity.

How Long Do Jellyfish Live? Are They All Immortal?

The life cycle of jellyfish can seem almost otherworldly. Some species are the closer to actual immortality than anything else we see in the animal kingdom!

11 Easiest Vegetables to Grow Throughout the Year

Starting your own vegetable garden can be a rewarding and delicious hobby. But choosing the right vegetables can make the difference between a bountiful harvest and a frustrating experience. If you're a beginner, you'll want to start with the easiest vegetables to grow in different seasons.

The Most Expensive Metal in the World Isn't Gold or Platinum

Precious metals are not just shiny and attractive; these elements are also incredibly valuable, often used in a wide range of industries from jewelry to high-tech applications.

9 Richest States in the USA and a Surprise Winner

Have you ever wondered what the richest state in the USA is? Many factors affect a state's wealth, including the cost of living, dominating industries, geographic resources, economic policies and the education of its workforce, among other things.

What Was the Deepest Free Dive Ever Recorded?

Free diving is a breathtaking sport, literally and figuratively, requiring athletes dive to astonishing depths (recorded primarily in meters) on a single breath of air. Instead of using scuba gear, these free divers rely mainly on their own lungs to explore the depths of the ocean.

How to Find the Area of a Triangle

With its three sides and three angles, the triangle is one of the most basic shapes in geometry. This means calculating the area of a triangle is a fundamental skill in geometry, with multiple formulas available depending on the type of triangle and the given data.

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