Search Results | war on terrorism

Your search for "war on terrorism" returned 324 results

Child of War: The Anne Frank Quiz

She was more than a precocious kid in an attic -- she brought an eloquence and humanity to the suffering of World War II. How much do you know about Anne Frank?

Buildup to World War II: January 1931-August 1939

This World War II timeline highlights important dates during January 1931 to August 1939. Follow the events of World War II and the German invasion.

Who Said It? A 'Star Wars' Quiz

Many "Star Wars" lines have made it out of the fictional universe and into the pop culture lexicon, even if they were mistranslated. (Here's looking at you, "Luke, I am your father.") Grab your lightsaber, and let's see how much you remember about what went down in that galaxy far, far away.

10 of the Bloodiest Battles of World War II

The war that began with German dictator Adolf Hitler's rise to power led to more than 50 million combatant and civilian deaths. Which 10 battles during the World War II were the costliest?

Japan Surrenders and World War II Ends: June 1945-September 1945

This World War II timeline covers events from June to September 1945. Follow the events that led to Japan's surrender and the end of World War II.

The ultimate Star Wars quotes quiz: who said it?

One of the things that makes the Star Wars movies such an indelible part of pop culture is the memorable dialogue. Fans of all ages can readily quote the best lines from their favorite characters. Take the quiz to see if you remember who said what in the Star Wars movies.

Can You Identify All of the Cold War Aircraft from an Image?

FOX ONE! You'd better be ready​ because this quiz is coming at you like a sidewinder. Are you a master of Cold War aircraft? Prove it with this quiz!

Can You Match the Quote to the Right “Star Wars” Movie?

Are you as knowledgeable as C-3PO when it comes to Star Wars? Then we have a Force-tastic quiz for you! Match each quote to its Star Wars movie and prove your love for the saga is not Luke-warm!

Can You Identify These "Star Wars" Characters If We Make Them Look Like Kids?

Yoda's not the only "Star Wars" character who looks adorable as a little one! It's time to show your love for "Star Wars" by naming these characters when they're wide-eyed, sweet-faced tots!

How the African Diamond Trade Works

Blood diamonds in Africa are sold illegally to fund civil wars and terrorism. Find out about blood diamonds in Africa and the African diamond trade.

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