Search Results | volume

Your search for "volume" returned 1,582 results

She's the Most Famous Paleobiologist You May Not Know

The late Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska was the first woman to lead a dinosaur excavation expedition. And her volumes of research provide most of what we know today about the evolution of modern mammals.

13 Wonderful Ways to Use Epsom Salts

Epsom salts have amazing health benefits. They're good for relaxing baths, face scrubs and a hair volumizer. We'll give you more ways to use Epsom salt in your daily routine.

Can You Ace This SAT Practice Test?

How's your algebra and geometry? Can you find the volume of a cone and is four a prime number? What does frankly mean? Put your high school knowledge to the test and see if you can ace this SAT practice test.

Can You Identify These Best-Selling Musicians of All Time?

Calling all music lovers! Want to know who among your favorites hit it big in the charts? Let's take a look at the best-selling musical legends of all time. We'll show you their images, you guess who they are. Pump up the volume and take the quiz!

How Good of a Kisser Are You?

A kiss is one of the most intimate yet simple ways we can show our affection for someone else. A simple touch of the lips can speak volumes. Problem is, if you're not good at it, it may be saying the wrong thing. Want to find out if you're any good? Take the quiz!

Can You Name the Longest Book in the World?

When discussing the longest book in the world, various criteria can determine the titleholder: the word count, the number of pages or even the character count (characters meaning letters, not personalities).

Can you tell if a stock is about to rebound?

Can you tell if a stock is about to rebound? Learn how to tell if a stotck is about to rebound at HowStuffWorks.

How Do Brewers Measure the Alcohol in Beer?

How do beermakers know how the alcohol content of a beer? HowStuffWorks gets to the bottom of it.

How to Wipe a Computer's Hard Drive

Before you sell or give away an old computer, you need to wipe the files from the hard drive. But deleting data takes more than just dragging and dropping it to the trash bin.

How Remote Controls Work

In WWII, remote controls detonated bombs for the first time. Now some of us spend an hour looking for the remote before we remember there are buttons on the TV. Find out the difference between a "universal" and a "learning" remote and check out some of the other high-tech features you can find on remotes today.

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