Search Results | venezuela

Your search for "venezuela" returned 158 results

How Venezuelan Traditions Work

Interested in learning about traditions in Venezuela? Find out about Venezuelan traditions at HowStuffWorks.

Against Crazy Odds, Simon Bolivar Liberated Six Countries in South America

Bolívar was the catalyst and cult of personality behind the 19th-century liberation movement that won independence for six Latin American nations.

What's Oil Shale?

Oil shale is just one unconventional oil source that's being researched. Learn how oil shale could save the day when — and if — we hit peak oil in the U.S.

How Much Do You Know About Latin America?

Latin America is a patchwork of different cultures, beliefs, languages and backgrounds. Some of the facts about Latin America will be clear, while others will astound you. Let's separate the ignorant from the know-it-alls.

5 Quetzal Species Flying in Central and South America

The quetzal is a colorful, tropical bird that has fascinated humans for thousands of years. One species in particular, the resplendent quetzal, is thought to have inspired Quetzalcoatl" target="_blank">Quetzalcóatl, the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god.

¿Puedes relacionar la palabra en jerga con su país?

¿Te consideras un experto en lingüística? ¿Dominas la jerga del idioma castellano? Entonces este quiz es para ti. ¡Sorpréndenos contestando correctamente el mejor quiz de jerga en español, relacionando la palabra en jerga con su país!

¿Cuánto sabes sobre Latinoamérica?

Latinoamérica es un mosaico de diferentes culturas, creencias, idiomas y orígenes. Algunos de los datos sobre Latinoamérica serán claros, mientras que otros te van a sorprender. Vamos a separar a los ignorantes de los sabelotodos.

9 Countries With Blue-Yellow-Red Flags

A nation chooses a flag design very purposefully. These countries with blue, yellow and/or red flags picked those colors for specific reasons.

See If You Can Identify These Birds From an Image!

From the finch to the snowy owl, a wide variety of familiar and exotic birds fly around in various regions of the world. Think you can name them all from a picture? Try our bird identification quiz to find out!

Can You Guess These Spanish-Speaking Countries from Their Outlines?

Hola to all of you Spanish-loving folks out there! There are 21 countries that have Spanish as the official language and lots of others that have many Spanish speakers. Think you can guess the country from its outline? No es dificil, try it!

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