Search Results | uranium

Your search for "uranium" returned 93 results

Hisashi Ouchi Suffered an 83-day Death By Radiation Poisoning

In 1999, Hisashi Ouchi, a Japanese nuclear fuel plant worker was exposed to critical levels of radiation. He suffered the worst radiation burns in history. He lived for 83 agonizing days afterward as his body all but disintegrated.

How Carbon Dating Works

Carbon-14 dating is something that you hear about in the news all the time. Find out how carbon-14 dating works and why carbon-14 dating is so accurate!

Neanderthals Were Actually Prehistoric Picassos

New research shows that homo sapiens weren't the first folks to decorate their caves with artwork. Neanderthals actually did it thousands of years earlier.

Can You Pass This Periodic Table Trivia Quiz?

Let's take a trip back to high school chemistry class! Do you remember all those fun things you were taught about the periodic table? Jog your memory with this quiz, and we'll tell you how much knowledge your big brain managed to retain.

Alpha, Beta or Gamma? It's the Nuclear Radiation Quiz

We live in a radioactive world, and we're not just talking about the times when a nuclear plant is melting down and scaring the heck out of us. How much do you know about the ABGs (or alphas, betas and gammas) of nuclear radiation?

How Do Scientists Determine the Age of Dinosaur Bones?

Every time a new fossil is found, one of the first things scientists determine is how old that fossil really is. But how do they determine it, and how can they be completely accurate?

How Electromagnetic Propulsion Will Work

Get a sneak peek (even before NASA scientists) at a new type of spacecraft that could be jolted through space by electromagnets.

Chernobyl's Elephant's Foot Is a Toxic Mass of Corium

The lava-like material that formed after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is a deadly example of corium, a hazardous material created only after core meltdowns. Five minutes next to it can kill a human.

What keeps concept cars from making it to market?

What keeps concept cars from making it to market? Find out why so many concept cars never make it to the dealer's lot.

Will we ever have space ships parked in our garages?

Will we ever have spaceships parked in our garages so that we can fly to the moon whenever we feel like it?

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