Search Results | trinidad and tobago

Your search for "trinidad and tobago" returned 31 results

98% of People Can't Match All of These Flags With Their Countries! Can You?

Flags have been used for centuries as symbols which bind people of a particular region together. If you're a globetrotter, or just simply love leafing through the pages in your atlas, do you think you can identify each of these flags? Take our quiz and find out!

Can You Name These Countries With Mostly Red Flags?

Red for valor. Red for bravery. Red for life, for passion, for blood and for honor. Sometimes red is even for luck. Countries all around the world use red in their flags, so how many do you think you can identify? Run this quiz up the flagpole and see who salutes!

If You Know All the Capitals of North and South America, You Might Be a Genius!

Calling all travel enthusiasts! Try guessing the capitals of North and South America. Let's see your geography genius, go!

Can You Name These Countries From Their Outlines?

It's difficult to tell which country is which using an unlabeled map, and ever more so when all you have to work with is the country's outline. Are you one of the 5% who can get it done?

¿Puedes identificar todos estos países con solo el contorno del mapa?

Algunos países tienen un contorno tan único que es fácil detectarlos, incluso cuando no están en un mapa más grande. Si tienes geografía en el cerebro, ¿crees que puedes identificar cada uno de los países en este cuestionario a partir de su contorno en tan solo 7 minutos? ¡El reloj está corriendo, así que comienza el quiz!

Meet the Ocelot: The Cutest Little Big Cat

Ocelots were once hunted for their beautiful fur, but are now protected. HowStuffWorks gets to know these beautiful cats.

10 Countries Besides the U.S. That Have Electoral Colleges

Other countries besides the U.S. have electoral college systems. HowStuffWorks looks at some of them.

¿Puedes identificar estas banderas del mundo?

A todos nos enseñaron las diferentes banderas del mundo en las clases de geografía, ¿pero qué tan bien las recuerdas? ¡Participa en este juego para averiguarlo!

¿Te sabes las capitales de los países americanos?

Ya sea que vengas de Norteamérica o Sudamérica, o de fuera del continente americano, ¡intenta adivinar las capitales de estos países!

How Well Do You Know South American Geography?

Let's take a trip to South America! From trekking through the Amazon to watching the beautiful Angel Falls, how well do you know South American geography? Enough to make it out of the rainforest? Let's find out!

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