Search Results | tornadoes

Your search for "tornadoes" returned 251 results

Can a Waterspout Turn Into a Tornado?

Have you ever watched a waterspout move over the ocean or a lake from what you thought was a safe distance? Don't get too comfortable next time. Waterspouts and tornadoes are closely related.

10 Myths About Surviving a Tornado

Separating fact from fiction when it comes to tornado safety could mean the difference between life and death.

Why the Inside of a Tornado Gets Super Cold, Leaves You Gasping for Air

Researchers from Montreal's Concordia University have figured out why the air inside a tornado vortex is cooler and less dense than the surrounding air.

Do tornadoes disproportionately strike trailer parks?

If you live in a mobile home park, are you more likely to be hit by a tornado? Media images certainly make it seem that way. Find out if there's any truth to this scary stereotype.

Are There Tornadoes in Europe?

North America certainly has many claims to fame. It's got the Great Lakes, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls -- all pretty impressive stuff. But can it claim tornadoes as uniquely its own -- and if so, what's up with that?

How much do you know about nature's deadly tornadoes?

The spinning winds of destruction known as tornadoes tear through many miles of America each year. They ruin entire towns and hurt dozens or even hundreds of people. How much do you know about tornadoes?

Do tornadoes always move from west to east?

Some things in this world you can just count on. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Certain types of birds will always fly south for the winter. But do tornadoes really only move from west to east -- and if so, why?

How the Tornado Intercept Vehicle Works

Tornado chasers generally stay about a mile away from the tornado itself -- but not IMAX cinematographer Sean Casey. He has built a Tornado Intercept Vehicle and hopes to withstand a direct hit. Check it out.

How Storm Chasers Work

If a tornado was heading your way, you'd probably head for the hills. But for some people, it's just the beginning of a chase.

Storm Pictures

Storm pictures show the power and destruction storms are capable of producing. Check out this collection of storm pictures.

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