Search Results | tobacco

Your search for "tobacco" returned 339 results

Juul 'Make the Switch' Ads Drawing Flak From Anti-tobacco Activists

Juul dominates the e-cig market, but also has been accused of targeting minors. HowStuffWorks looks at how Juul is getting away with TV advertising.

When did humans start smoking, anyway?

When did humans start smoking? With today's technology, we know the answer. Take a look at when humans started smoking at Discovery Fit and Health.

How Electronic Cigarettes Work

Electronic cigarettes were developed to help smokers get their dose of nicotine without the chemicals associated with burning tobacco. But are they any safer?

10 Organizations That Want to Help You Quit Smoking

There are organizations that want to help you quit smoking. See 10 organizations that want to help you quit smoking to get information and resources.

Are tobacco companies increasing the nicotine content in cigarettes?

Are major cigarette companies secretly increasing cigarettes' nicotine ocntent? Check out the evidence for an increase in nicotine levels in cigarrettes in the last 10 years.

10 Questions Kids Might Ask Their Parents About Smoking

Questions kids might ask their parents about smoking include if they will get addicted. See 10 questions kids might ask about smoking to be prepared.

Can You Sue Over 'Third-hand Smoke' Exposure?

Could there be a day when people sue over tobacco residue left behind in a building's walls or carpet? HowStuffWorks investigates.

Mouth Cancer Symptoms

Mouth cancer can be a vicious, sometimes-fatal attack on the body. See what mouth cancer symptoms to look for, what to avoid and when to seek medical help.

Can e-cigarettes help you stop smoking?

Can e-cigarettes help you stop smoking? Find out if e-cigarettes can help you stop smoking in this article from HowStuffWorks.

Is alcohol more dangerous than ecstasy?

In Britain, illegal drugs are ranked as A, B, or C. Class A is supposed to be the most harmful, and Class C is supposed to be the least harmful. A recent study shows that the rankings may be all mixed up.

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