Search Results | tobacco plant

Your search for "tobacco plant" returned 94 results

Nicotiana, Flowering Tobacco

Nicotiana, or flowering tobacco, is an annual flower related to tobacco plants. Star shaped flowers are bred for ornamental value. Learn of nicotiana.

Do Plants Feel Pain? A Primer on Plant Neurobiology

Though they may be stuck in one place, plants have proven to possess a surprising array of capabilities. But the ability to feel pain? Scientists are learning that the possibility isn't as crazy as it sounds.

What are some cigarette allergy symptoms?

Rarely, people are allergic to tobacco plants. Learn about cigarette allergy symptoms in this article.

How Nicotine Works

Smoking or chewing tobacco makes many people feel good, even mildly euphoric. It's the nicotine that produces the buzz. Find out how nicotine affects the human body and what makes it so addictive.

Are tobacco companies increasing the nicotine content in cigarettes?

Are major cigarette companies secretly increasing cigarettes' nicotine ocntent? Check out the evidence for an increase in nicotine levels in cigarrettes in the last 10 years.

When did humans start smoking, anyway?

When did humans start smoking? With today's technology, we know the answer. Take a look at when humans started smoking at Discovery Fit and Health.

How Snus Works

First there was Volvo. Then came IKEA. Well get ready for the next major Swedish export: snus, a smokeless tobacco product, similar to dip or chew.

The Ultimate Caterpillar Quiz

Caterpillars live an interesting life -- their sole purpose is to consume as much food as they can, before they turn into butterflies or moths. It works for them. Take our quiz and learn more about how the caterpillar works.

Is quitting smoking contagious?

Is quitting smoking contagious? Research suggests it could be. Peer pressure often drives smokers to quit. Learn whether quitting smoking is contagious.

Urban Birds Oust Bugs With Butts

Certain urban-dwelling bird species use cigarette butts in their nests as a means of ward of insects. HowStuffWorks looks at the bird-nicotine connection.

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