Search Results | titian

Your search for "titian" returned 10 results

Can You Identify the Most Famous Italian Paintings in History?

How well do you know your Italian Renaissance artists? You don't have to be able to spell the last names of these Old Masters, but if you're going to score big, you'll have to know that Michelangelo and Raphael aren't just ninja turtles.

It's True: Eating Too Many Carrots Can Turn Your Skin Orange

Everybody knows that carrots are good for you, but what happens if you eat too many of them?

Why Do Music and Art Move Us?

Music and art often elicit strong emotions in an audience. Learn why music and art move us.

Which Age Is Your Soul From?

Times shape the people in them as surely as people shape the times in which they live. Answer some questions for us and we will tell you which age your soul is from!

Can You Guess Which Artist Painted These Historic Paintings?

The following are 50 of the world's most well-known paintings by the best artists in history. Are you able to name the artist from just an image of the famous painting? Take this quiz and find out!

99% of people can't figure out the most expensive artwork in the world. Can you?

Expensive artwork can reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Paintings by Picasso and Van Gogh are regularly sold in the millions. But which artwork has sold for the most? Here are 50 famous pieces with the highest sales. Grab your brush and try to figure out which of these paintings are the most expensive.

Can You Guess How Much These Famous Paintings Sold For?

Were you an art history major, a frequent museum visitor or a lover of famous paintings? Maybe you have a crazy ability to appraise art! Do you think you can guess how much these famous paintings sold for? Find out with this quiz!

When Is the Earth Going to End?

The end of Earth will likely come about because of the sun in our solar system. This much you might already know, but we actually have an approximate date.

93% das pessoas não consegue adivinhar que artista pintou estas pinturas históricas! Você consegue?

A seguir estão 50 das pinturas mais conhecidas do mundo pelos melhores artistas da história. Você consegue nomear o artista apenas por uma imagem da famosa pintura? Faça este teste e descubra!

Michelangelo Biography

Michelangelo’s biography is full of spiritual, political, and artistic struggle, as well as beautiful artwork. Learn more about this genius.

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