Search Results | three linguistic spaces

Your search for "three linguistic spaces" returned 17 results

How Speech Recognition Works

Speech recognition allows people to compose documents and control their computers with their voice. Learn about the basic types.

How Igloos Work

Igloos may be made by the Inuit as temporary houses to use on fishing and hunting expeditions. Read about igloos and find out how to build an igloo.

How Net Generation Students Work

Net Generation students are a new breed of learner. Find out how these students work and how colleges and workplaces are evolving to meet their needs.

UFO History

Modern UFO history began with the 1947 UFO sighting by pilot Kenneth Arnold. Learn the history of UFOs from ancient times to the mid-20th century.

10 Hardest Things to Teach a Robot

If we're ever going to live in a world in which machines behave like people, we humans have some teaching to do. But as this writing robot attests, we're not as far away as you might think.

Michelangelo Biography

Michelangelo’s biography is full of spiritual, political, and artistic struggle, as well as beautiful artwork. Learn more about this genius.

How Graphic Novels Work

Graphic novels tackle tough subjects too complicated for traditional media. Learn more about how graphic novels work.

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