Search Results | texas panhandle

Your search for "texas panhandle" returned 25 results

Can You Tell Us if These Places Are East or West of the Mississippi From Memory Alone?

"Ol' Man River / He's rolling along," but are you? You must know something about these cities in relation to "The Big Muddy," otherwise known as the Mississippi River. Can you pinpoint their location? Go west (and east), young man (or lady)!

10 Longest Rivers in the U.S.: From the Missouri to the Brazos

We bet you're looking up the longest river in the U.S. to settle a bet: Is it the Missouri River or the Mississippi River? It depends how you measure.

Can You Guess the State From a List of Its Neighbors?

We're sending you on a Mapquest in this quiz! Do you know which state borders only one other? What about a state with no neighbors? (They're kind of a loner.) Two are extra neighborly, sharing a border with eight other states! Have you got what it takes to name them all? Let's see!

Birds Migrate Along Ancient Routes and Modern Tech Can Now Track Them

Today, technological advances are providing new insights into bird migration and showing that it is more complex and wonderful than scientists ever imagined.

Can You Reach at Least Level 20 in This US Geography Quiz?!

The United States is a vast land with geography that varies as much as that of any country in the world. Children study geography in the hope that it will give them a sense of their place in the country and the world. How well do you know your U.S. geography?

35 Things Only True New Yorkers Know

New Yorkers know a thing or two - if you're not a New Yorker, then you just don't get it. In this quiz, we'll see whether you're a real Manhattanite or just some guy from New Jersey.

Alligator Snapping Turtles Lure Prey With Wriggling Worm-like Tongue Appendage

The prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in North America and has a bite that, it's said, can snap a wooden broom handle in half.

15 Worst Hurricanes of All Time

The Americas have been hit with some major hurricanes throughout the decades. But which were the worst ones in history?

Who Owns the Beach? It Depends

On most U.S. shorelines, the public has had a time-honored right to "lateral" access to beaches. That sandy space, however, is being hotly contested.

Name Every US Capital, and We’ll Guess Where You Grew Up

Can you name all 50 of the state capitals? Give it your best shot, and you'll give away the state you called home when you were a little tike. North, south, east or west? Which one gets to lay claim to you?

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