Search Results | taxon

Your search for "taxon" returned 8 results

Did Crocodiles Descend From Dinosaurs?

Crocodiles and dinosaurs definitely lived during the same time, but how closely are they related? Did crocodiles descend from dinosaurs?

Top 5 Perennials of the West

Perennials for the West can spice up your garden. Learn what the annuals for the Northeast are at HowStuffWorks.

How do I know if termites are eating my house?

A termites infestation is no laughing matter -- these insects can destroy your home from the inside out. Learn about termites infestation.

Dinosaur Evolution

Dinosaur evolution looks at how dinosaurs developed and changed over the course of time. Learn about the evolution of dinosaurs and dinosaur evolution.

Do Japanese monkeys season their food?

Japanese monkeys seasoning food might sound odd, but some use saltwater for taste. Learn how researchers discovered Japanese monkeys seasoning food.

What is the origin of life on Earth?

What is the origin of life on Earth? Learn about theories of evolution and the origin of life on Earth at HowStuffWorks.

Pouvez-vous réussir un quiz de science niveau CM2?

L’école ne s’avère pas aussi difficile que cela, n’est-ce pas? Nous allons le découvrir! Testez vos connaissances avec ce quiz scientifique pour élèves de CM2!

10 Foods You Should Never Eat Raw

There are some foods that need to be cooked before you eat them. Not just because they'll taste way better, but also because if you eat them raw, they could make you sick.

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