Search Results | symmetry in physics

Your search for "symmetry in physics" returned 24 results

Owl Omen and Symbolism: Why Do Owls Fascinate Us?

You can find at least one owl omen anywhere the barn owl lives — that’s worldwide, except Antarctica and Micronesia. But not all of these omens are positive.

How Atom Smashers Work

Atom smashers are used to help us discover what matter is made of. Learn about atom smashers and find out how an atom smasher works.

How Kaleidoscopes Work

Kaleidoscopes have been fascinating people since the early 19th century. Whether you think of kaleidoscopes as toys or as works of art, no matter how often you look inside, you'll never see the same thing twice.

How Aliens Work

Alien life forms would probably differ from those on Earth but still adhere to certain principles. Learn about astrobiology and the search for alien life forms.

10 Crackpot Theories About Space

Our knowledge of space changes all the time as new discoveries are made. But some ideas about the universe have never really held water – including the one that everything is made of frozen H2O.

20 Most Common Plastic Surgeries

Plastic surgeries are becoming more and more common throughout the country. Find out which plastic surgery procedures are performed most often.

Can You Guess the Definition of These Words With Double Letters?

Some words will leave you seeing double, literally. In fact, three words in the last sentence contain double letters. Can you see which ones? Get ready to broaden your vocabulary with this doubly fun quiz full of words containing two identical consecutive letters, like "full" and "letters!"

How Special Relativity Works

Special relativity deals in phenomena that don’t agree with our historical or commonsense views of how the universe works. In fact, many of the theory’s assertions almost appear ludicrous.

Top 10 Biggest Bodybuilders

Do you know who the biggest bodybuilders are? Take a look at our top 10 list of biggest bodybuilders to learn about the Hulk and other famous strong people.

How Bees Work

Bees have been included in myths and legends for centuries. Learn about bees, the anatomy of bees and how colony collapse disorder affects bees.

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