Search Results | surface mathematics

Your search for "surface mathematics" returned 118 results

The Scutoid: How We Discover New Shapes

Spanish researchers recently uncovered a new geometric shape that allows human tissue to curve. But how?

Crumple Theory: We Can Learn a Lot From How Paper Crumples

Crumpling is a physical process that occurs when a thin sheet is forced to adapt to a smaller space and is seen in everything from DNA packing in a cell nucleus to the formation of mountains.

Can You Name All of These Shapes?

No need to circle the wagons or square off in the octagon for this quiz. We're just trying to triangulate your sphere of knowledge when it comes to shapes. Think you can name them all? Give it a try, there's no trap(ezoids).

How M.C. Escher Worked

M.C. Escher was an incredibly talented artist. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn all about M.C. Escher.

Does the Sun Rotate?

Like Earth, the sun rotates, but in a different way. HowStuffWorks looks at the science.

How DNA Computers Will Work

DNA computers could utilize your DNA strands for more supercomputing power. Learn how DNA computers could replace the silicon microprocessor.

Differences Between Rational and Irrational Numbers

Rational numbers can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, while irrational numbers, such as square roots of non-square numbers, cannot.

How can someone lie on a bed of nails without getting hurt?

A bed of nails is typically associated with circus performances. Find out how performers are able to lie on a bed of nails without injuring themselves.

How Asteroids Work

What exactly are asteroids? And what was the NEAR Shoemaker mission about?

Test Your Math Knowledge With This Quiz!

Do you think you are the ultimate math whiz? Put your basic math skills to the numerical test with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

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