Search Results | superconductivity

Your search for "superconductivity" returned 28 results

How super are superconductors?

In physics, you can’t get something for nothing, but superconductors offer the hope of someday breaking even. Getting them to live up to their potential has given scientists more than a few headaches in the years since they were discovered. Let’s see how much you know about these wonders of electromagnetism.

The Ultimate MRI Quiz

An MRI machine is more than just a big, claustrophobia-inducing tube. How much do you know about what's going on inside -- or what's going on inside your body while you're in there?

Scientists Prove Schrodinger's Cat Can Be in Two Places at Once

A bunch of Yale physicists decided to give Schrodinger's cat not one but two boxes. And that, strangely enough, could eventually prove handy for quantum computing.

How MRI Works

An MRI scan is the best way to see inside the human body. See what happens during an MRI scan and learn about MRI images and MRI safety.

Can We Get Into Space Without Big Rockets?

Visionaries have proposed various ways to get into space without using large rockets for propulsion, such as building a space elevator or harnessing magnetic levitation.

How Electromagnetic Propulsion Will Work

Get a sneak peek (even before NASA scientists) at a new type of spacecraft that could be jolted through space by electromagnets.

What Is Graphene? The Mind-boggling Wonder Material

This is one 'supermaterial' that might actually live up to its hype. So what is graphene really, and why is it so versatile?

How Maglev Trains Work

Magnetic levitation trains are becoming a popular transportation topic all around the globe. Learn about electromagnetic suspension, the most popular type of maglev train.

How Electromagnets Work

Whether they're sorting out scrap metal or helping us unlock the secrets of the universe, electromagnets are pretty nifty devices. What's so great about magnetism on demand? We'll electrify you with the details.

The Ultimate 'Avatar' Quiz

This sci-fi epic might be based on another planet, but it took Earth by storm. How much do you know about "Avatar?"

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