Search Results | stephen a. douglas

Your search for "stephen a. douglas" returned 46 results

Should you really feed a cold?

Should you really feed a cold, or is this just an old wives' tale? Get the science behind the "feed a cold" saying in this article.

Pouvez-vous nommer ces films des années 80 à partir d’une phrase descriptive?

C’était la décennie de Ronald Reegan, Pac-Man, et le conflit entre Pepsi et Coca-Cola. De cette décennie naquirent certains des films les plus iconiques de tous les temps. Connaissez-vous vos films des années 80 ? Découvrez-le avec ce quiz !

Can You Name These 1960s TV Shows From a Character Name?

Calling all groovy people out there! Do you think you're hip and happening enough to know who these characters are? TV buffs who love watching all of those classic and innovative 1960s TV shows would definitely know them. Try it!

A True Movie Buff Should Be Able to Name All of These '80s Movies. Can You?

The 1980s had some of the best movies and paved the way for many sequels as well as remakes. Would you be able to identify an '80s movie from an image? Take this quiz to find out!

¿Puedes nombrar estos programas de TV los 60 a partir del nombre de un personaje?

¡Llamando a toda la gente divertida de allá afuera! ¿Crees que estás lo suficiente a la última y de moda para saber quiénes son estos personajes? Los aficionados de la TV que adoran ver todos esos programas de TV de los 60 clásicos e innovadores seguramente los conocen. ¡Inténtalo!

What Is the Origin of Father's Day?

Are you wondering what's the origin of Father's Day? Check out this article and learn all about the origin of Father's Day and more.

Can You Match the '60s TV Character to Their Show?

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale of Monkees, Heroes and Hillbillies! Think you have what it takes to name the '60s TV show from just one character's photo? Take this quiz now to find out!

10 Last-minute Stays of Execution

What are cases of last-minute execution stays? Learn more about last-minute stays of execution at HowStuffWorks.

10 Embarrassing Movie Tie-in Toys

Sometimes toy-makers miss the mark. Learn about 10 embarrassing movie tie-in toys at HowStuffWorks.

The Krampus Gallery of Holiday Doom!

The Krampus represent the dark side of the holidays. Learn about the terrifying Krampus and their role in yuletide traditions.

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