Search Results | statistical field theory

Your search for "statistical field theory" returned 61 results

Unveiling the Mysteries of Ball Lightning: Is It Real?

Ball lightning wasn't widely believed to exist until the 1960s. Learn about ball lightning and theories about what ball lightning could be.

How Trend Forecasters Work

Trend forecasters make educated guesses about what the future holds. Is this the job for you? Learn more about what it takes to be a trend forecaster.

Can You Match These Words to the Right Branch of Science?

Being good at science takes a special kind of person. There are so many formulas to remember. If you're more creative, science in practice might be very difficult. However, most people have at least a basic knowledge of science. Think you can get these questions right? Take this quiz to find out!

10 Scientific Words You're Probably Using Wrong

If you have a theory that potato chips are making you fat (with the proof being your expanding waistline), you've just used two scientific terms in a very unscientific way.

How the Gender Pay Gap Works

The gender pay gap is usually expressed something like this: Women make 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. Let's explore the gap at HowStuffWorks.

How to Volunteer at the African Scientific Research Institute

The African Scientific Research Institute excavates and recreates the histories of communities founded by former slaves. Read about the work of the ASRI.

What Is ESP? How ESP Works

Have you ever had a dream that came true? Or called a friend at the exact moment he was calling you? Most of us have had some sort of paranormal experience. Is this evidence of the existence of ESP?

Can a Bag of Water Keep Flies Away?

Some people believe bags of water can keep flies away. Learn why people might hang bags of water to keep flies away and if the practice works.

How the Moon Works

The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite and the closest celestial object. Learn about the moon and some of the theories about the moon's origin.

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