Search Results | space law

Your search for "space law" returned 888 results

Where can I find successful law school application essays?

Law school application essays can make a great difference in the law school application process. Learn about law school application essays.

How Space Suits Work

We are seeing a lot more space suits now that the international space station is occupied. Learn how space suits work and why they cost $12 million each!

Will Humans Be Living in Space in the Next 50 Years?

These outer space abodes will have to protect inhabitants from extreme temperatures, radiation and flying moon dust. One man is actually selling deeds for lunar property at $20 a pop. Seriously?

10 Space Landmarks We'd Like to Visit

Fling away your Fodor's! Toss your TripAdvisor! We have the only guided tour of outer space you'll need -- a foray into the final frontier so ambitious it will make the Voyager probes' Grand Tours look like daytrips.

10 Crackpot Theories About Space

Our knowledge of space changes all the time as new discoveries are made. But some ideas about the universe have never really held water – including the one that everything is made of frozen H2O.

Test Your Law Enforcement Knowledge With This Quiz

No one can escape the long arm of the law, unless, of course, the law isn't paying attention. Law enforcement is a profession for people who don't mind putting themselves in the middle of conflicts, being in danger, and spending most of their lives filling out paperwork. How much do you know about law enforcement?

10 Reasons Why Space Exploration Matters to You

Yes, we have some amazing inventions thanks to space exploration, and we're curious about life on other planets. But the cosmos also touches a deeper part of our psyches. Here are 10 reasons space exploration matters to you.

Can You Answer These Random Questions About Law Enforcement?

Is your knowledge base at Joe Friday levels? Or are you more like Barney Fife? (Or maybe you don't watch enough cop shows to get what we're saying!) Our point is, take our quiz now, and find out how much you know about law enforcement!

What If You Shot a Gun in Space?

Picture this: You're floating through space, minding your own business, when some super-scary alien attacks you. Clearly you need to defend yourself, but all you have is a handgun. Will it do you any good, or are you mincemeat?

5 Secrets About the Soviet Space Program

The Soviets were secretive about their space program. We're telling five of the biggest now.

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