Search Results | southwest alaska

Your search for "southwest alaska" returned 45 results

How Poison Ivy Works

Poison ivy can be very difficult to spot, but there will be no mistaking it if you brush up against it. Learn about poison ivy and treating a poison ivy rash.

Can You Pass US Geography?

Global positioning systems have nothing on you! This U.S. geography quiz is made for folks like you who dare to click through to take a test about America's new and oldest territories. Conquer this terrain test like the early American settlers carved out maps in their sleep. Scroll on!

How Airlines Work

How did the guy in the next seat pay less for a ticket than you did? Explore how airlines work, how ticket prices are set and more.

How Walruses Work

Walruses pack the beaches of Round Island off the coast of Alaska by the thousands each year. Learn when the walruses gather and other walrus facts.

The Fast and Furious Peregrine Falcon Is a Midair Hunting Machine

While the cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, the peregrine falcon, a large predatory raptor, is by far the fastest bird on planet Earth.

The North American Geography Quiz

North America encompasses huge expanses of water and land. What do you know about this area's people, geology and climate? Take this quiz to find out.

5 Things to Know About Native American Languages Spoken in the 21st Century

The majority of Native Americans today speak English, so how many Native American languages are still in existence and being spoken today?

The North American Geography Knowledge Quiz

From just north of the Equator to just south of the North Pole, this quiz covers North America's highs, lows and everything in between. See if you can scale this mountain of a geography quiz and reach the peak!

How Do New States Become Part of the U.S.?

Candidates for the "51st state" include Puerto Rico, Guam and Washington, D.C. How likely is this to happen for any of them, and how did the U.S. get the 50 it already has?

Can You Reach at Least Level 20 in This US Geography Quiz?!

The United States is a vast land with geography that varies as much as that of any country in the world. Children study geography in the hope that it will give them a sense of their place in the country and the world. How well do you know your U.S. geography?

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