Search Results | southern arizona

Your search for "southern arizona" returned 172 results

The Only Wild Jaguar in the U.S. Has Finally Been Filmed

A three-year hunt has paid off with video footage of the only wild jaguar in the United States. Learn more in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Big Cat Pictures

Big cat pictures show you a wide variety of these carnivorous mammals. From the well known tiger to the lesser known margay - check out these big cat pictures.

Meet the World's Smallest, Toughest Owl

These tiny owls weigh less than a golf ball but kill poisonous scorpions for dinner. HowStuffWorks looks at the tiny desert-dwelling elf owl.

How the Virtual Border Fence Works

The virtual border fence uses a system of cameras and radar to catch border crossers. Learn about the virtual border fence and border fence technology.

Coral Snakes: Brightly Banded and Highly Venomous

Coral snake species are found all over the world. HowStuffWorks looks at these highly venomous reptiles.

The Reclusive Gila Monster Packs a Venomous Punch

The Gila monster is the most venomous lizard on U.S. soil. But despite the fact that its bite can be debilitating, its venom can also save lives.

6 Wild Cats Still Found Roaming the U.S.

HowStuffWorks takes a look at six large cats still to be found existing in the wild in the United States.

Can You Identify These National Treasures?

The country is full of distinctly American foods, forests, drinks, parks, celebrities, athletes, products, services and more. We may take them for granted, but they're our national treasures. How many can you name?

Do You Know if These Landmarks Are in the North or the South?

Before Americans decided to manifest their destiny and expand west, the entire country was divided between the North and the South. Can you look at these landmarks and tell us whether they're in the North or the South?

How the U.S.-Mexico Border Became a Political Flashpoint

The current border between the U.S. and Mexico has been around since the mid-1800s. HowStuffWorks looks at how it became such a political hot button.

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