Search Results | south carolina topics

Your search for "south carolina topics" returned 69 results

Harriet Tubman's Life and Impact on the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. But she was so much more. HowStuffWorks looks at this American legend.

Test Your Knowledge: Weird Internet Meme Quiz

Memes are cultural touchstones that these days spread mostly online. How much do you know about these odd memes?

Top 5 Annuals in the Midwest

Annuals for the Midwest can bring color and variety to your garden. Learn what the popular annuals for the Midwest are at HowStuffWorks.

10 Venomous Creatures in Your Backyard

Did you know that venomous creatures live in your own backyard? Learn about 10 venomous creatures that could be living in your backyard.

Were the Clovis the first Americans?

The Clovis, ancient people who made the sophisticated Clovis projectile discovered at Clovis Indian sites, are a mystery. Read about the mysterious Clovis.

Did James Earl Ray Really Kill Martin Luther King Jr.?

More than 50 years after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a lone bullet while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, questions still remain. Was James Earl Ray the sole gunman, or was it a conspiracy?

10 Most Successful Third-party Presidential Candidates

Which third-party presidential candidates have been most successful? Learn about the 10 most successful third-party presidential candidates.

How does a NASCAR track physically change during a race?

How does a NASCAR track physically change during a race? It changes from a solid track to a near-liquid form. Learn about how a NASCAR track changes.

7 Key Questions in the U.S. Slavery Reparations Debate

HowStuffWorks looks at the issue of paying reparations for slavery, including the case for and against, as well as how would the amount be decided.

What are marbles and why do NASCAR drivers try to avoid them?

Marbles are tiny bits of rubber tire detritus that accumulate on the racetrack. Learn more about NASCAR marbles here.

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