Search Results | siege

Your search for "siege" returned 149 results

10 of the Bloodiest Battles of World War II

The war that began with German dictator Adolf Hitler's rise to power led to more than 50 million combatant and civilian deaths. Which 10 battles during the World War II were the costliest?

92% der Leute können nicht alle 50 Fußballvereine anhand ihrer Logos erraten! Kannst du's?

Egal, ob du ein Newbie bist, oder ein Fußballprofi, der alle Raffinessen des Spiels kennt, nimm an diesem Quiz teil, um herauszufinden, wie gut du abschneidest! Trete gegen einen Freund an, um zu sehen, wer die höchste Punktzahl erreicht und finde heraus, wer von euch der wahre Fussballer ist!

Castle History

Castle History is fascinating and reflects many of the social changes that took place during the Middle Ages. Learn about castle history at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Name All of the Cities Taken Over by the Roman Empire?

All roads lead to Rome, but that's easy since the Romans built the roads after conquering all the places they lead to. How clear is your memory of the history of the Romans? Could you name all of the cities they conquered?

When Were Guns Invented? A Brief History of Guns

The first gun was created more than 1,000 years ago, effectively changing warfare — and society — in incomprehensible ways. But do we know who actually made the first firearm?

Kannst du jedes dieser 32 NFL-Teams anhand eines unvollständigen Logos identifizieren?

Bist du wirklich ein eingefleischter Football-Fan? Glaubst du, du kennst all die NFL-Teams in- und auswendig? Nimm an diesem Quiz teil und finde heraus, wie viele NFL-Logos du erkennen kannst!

Did King Nebuchadnezzar Really Go Mad and Eat Grass for 7 Years?

The Bible says that God caused Nebuchadnezzar to become insane and live like an animal for seven years as punishment for his arrogance. But what is the real story?

Test Your Knowledge: Offensive Military Tactics

War calls for field commanders to take the fight to their enemies. How much do you know about offensive military tactics? Test your knowledge by taking this quiz!

The Famous Civil War Battles Quiz

The American Civil War pitted family against family and led to some of the most famous armed conflicts in the history of the world. How much do you know about battles of this civil war?

The Famous Fires Quiz

Fire is one of the most elemental aspects of human life, and it is often one of the most destructive. How much do you know about famous fires in history?

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