Search Results | science and technology in france

Your search for "science and technology in france" returned 165 results

How Dieselpunk Works

The dieselpunk subgenre of speculative fiction looks at a world that could have been. Learn about the dieselpunk style and where dieselpunk gets its inspiration.

Inside 'The Water Horse'

The Water Horse is a movie about the mythical Loch Ness Monster. Take an inside look at The Water Horse and see pictures from the Water Horse movie.

Quiz aviation militaire

L'aviation militaire a évolué avec les âges. Ce sont des machines sur-puissantes qui ont prouvé leur efficacité à bien des reprises. Aérodynamiques, d'apparence élégante, rapide et agile, ces merveilles sont des bijoux technologiques qui ravissent le complexe militaro-industriel! Vous pensez en savoir assez sur l'aviation militaire? La réponse avec notre quiz!

How Freezers Work

Many freezers have features to prevent frost and digitally monitor temperatures, but the technology has been evolving for years. Learn about freezers.

How Locard's Exchange Principle Works

Are you interested in finding out how Locard's exchange principle works? Read this article to find out how Locard's exchange principle works.

What Countries Use the Imperial System?

Most of the world uses the metric system for everyday measurements, but only three countries in the world use the imperial system as their official system of measurement.

Shhh! Don't Tell. There's a Secret Apartment Atop the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is topped by a secret apartment. HowStuffWorks takes a ride to the top.

How the Nuclear Arms Race Works

The nuclear arms race was a frantic era in which several nations tested nuclear technology and stockpiled warheads. Read about the nuclear arms race.

The First 'Killer Robot' Was Around Back in 1979

With the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots heating up, we step back a few decades to look at the first human death by robot.

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