Search Results | religion and business

Your search for "religion and business" returned 247 results

Can You Answer These Easy-Peasy Bible Questions?

In the beginning ... there was this super simple Bible quiz! Do you know your biblical basics? See if you're Sunday School ready with these questions which will take you on a journey through some of the Bible's most popular takes.

Why Most of Us May Never Get Verified on Twitter

Twitter verification seems simple, but it's actually more difficult than it looks -- for some more than others. HowStuffWorks looks at the process.

Committed a Super-serious Sin? Head for a Super-confessor!

Some sins are so grave (or rare) that Catholics have to confess to the pope or a bishop — except this year. HowStuffWorks looks at super-confessors.

What is personhood?

Personhood can be a very difficult thing to define. Learn about personhood in this article from HowStuffWorks.

Can You Guess the Christian Worship Song From a Lyric?

"Onward christian soldiers marching as to war..." are easy lyrics to match a title to, but do you draw a blank when verses don't contain the songs' titles? Find out how many Christian worship song titles you can figure out from the lyrics we toss your way!

Two Truths and a Lie: The Bible Quiz

Wait, should we be lying about the Good Book? Hey, it's for a good cause: Take our quiz, and you'll come out with a better understanding of what's in the Bible and what's not. Honest!

Which Famous World Leader Are You?

There are over 190 countries in the world, and each one is led by someone with their own distinct style. Take this quiz to find out which world leader most suits you.

Which Greek Demigod Are You?

It isn't easy being the child of a God and a human, but somehow you make the whole thing look easy. It is obvious you are a Demigod, but which one might you be?

Buddhism Trivia

Are you a guru when it comes to this religion, or a mere novice? Whichever is the case, try not to get attached to your performance on this quiz. Keep it zen!

How Building a Sales Team Works

If you've got a great product you need a great sales team. Find out all about hiring and training a sales team at HowStuffWorks.

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