Search Results | rain forest

Your search for "rain forest" returned 200 results

Can You Guess the Place by a Picture of It?

Do you know where Burning Man is held or where Napoleon used to party? Can you name that colorful village that clings to a cliff on the Amalfi coast? Do you know what the "Times Square" of Asia is called? See if you can name these places by looking at a picture.

Red-tailed Hawks Are Way Bigger, Faster and More Common Than You Realize

Red-tailed hawks are the most common hawk species in North America. These massive birds are mate for life, and, despite their name, to have feathers in a variety of colors.

10 Real Animals That Seem Make-believe

The world boasts an incredible diversity of animals, some of which are so colorful and bizarre they seem made-up. Meet 10 of them at HowStuffWorks.

What would it take to save every endangered species?

To save every endangered species we would need an incredible amount of planning and money. Learn more about what it would take to save every endangered species.

10 Wild Facts About the Aye-Aye, a Most Improbable Animal

This long-fingered primate with the perpetually startled golden eyes is considered one of the most distinctive animals on Earth

Oregon Grape: Herbal Remedies

Oregon grape is used in herbal remedies for liver health and to fight infections. Learn how it is also used topically to treat eczema, acne and more.

If We Show You an Animal, Can You Guess Its Closest Relative?

If you think your extended family is strange, check out the animal kingdom! There are surprising genetics going on there. Take the quiz now! You'll not only find out your closest kin, you'll have relative fun doing it.

Environmental Activities

Dig in dirt or through books to educate yourself on the environment. Learn more about environmental activities and kids crafts.

Does a Wet Summer Mean a Brilliant Fall?

One of the best things about autumn is watching the leaves change color to fiery hues of red, gold and orange. Some say a rainy summer leads to an extra-vivid leaf show. Is that true?

Why are sloths so slow?

Sloths move slowly mostly because of their vegetarian diet. Learn why sloths move slowly and how their anatomy supports such lethargy.

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