Search Results | radical republicans

Your search for "radical republicans" returned 34 results

10 Bizarre Moments in Presidential Elections

Historically, presidential elections have been fraught with strange twists. Learn about 10 bizarre moments in presidential elections at HowStuffWorks.

How Political Attack Ads Work

The use of political attack ads has shot up in recent years. Are these negative political attack ads effective?

How the Green Party Works

The Green Party is an American political party that focuses on environmental issues. Learn more about the United States Green Party.

What's the difference between a flat tax and a fair tax?

The flat tax and fair tax are two suggestions people have made for reforming the tax code. Learn more about flat tax and fair tax.

What Was America's First Terrorist Threat?

Terrorism on the Barbary Coast began in the 15th century and plagued the young American nation. Learn how the U.S. fought off terrorism from the Barbary States.

How Political Recalls Work

Why (and how) are voters taking the extraordinary step of recalling officials they've already elected? Read about political recalls at HowStuffWorks.

5 Strangest Political Parties

What are the strangest political parties that have popped up during a presidential election? Learn about 5 of the strangest political parties.

What Is a Coup D'Etat, and Is the U.S. 'Coup-proof'?

Experts say the U.S. government is designed so a coup d'état would be highly unlikely ever to occur. But deep political polarization can precipitate one, so does that mean a coup is marginally more possible?

Meet Florence Kelley: Labor Reformer, Abolitionist and Co-founder of the NAACP

Grateful that U.S. law ensures decent working conditions and children go to school instead of working in mines? Thank Florence Kelley and her father.

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