Search Results | quantitative research

Your search for "quantitative research" returned 42 results

How Do Spacecraft Re-enter the Earth's Atmosphere?

Spacecraft reentry into the Earth is a tricky process. Find out how spacecraft re-entry works and why spacecraft are likely to burn up upon re-entry.

Comparing Strong Acids and Weak Acids

In the world of chemistry, understanding the difference between strong acids and weak acids is fundamental for both students and professionals alike. Strong acids are known for their ability to completely dissociate in water, making them a pivotal topic in chemical reactions and laboratory experiments.

Do You Have The Vocabulary Level of a Harvard Grad?

Are you an expert on the esoteric? Is your knowledge of English impeccable? Test your knowledge of vocabulary, and find out if you should've gone to Harvard!

5 Female Scientists You Should Know

From a centenarian brain expert to a mistress of Voltaire, each of these female scientists has an incredible story. Do you want to meet them?

How does pregnancy affect the senses of smell and taste?

Pregnancy often affects the senses of smell and taste. Learn theories about why pregnancy affects the senses of smell and taste.

Parkinsons Disease Overview

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative conditions that damages brain cells. Learn about Parkinson's disease, treatment and Parkinson's patients.

How Laser Communication Works

When speed is everything and light marks the universe's speed limit, lasers are bound to be the answer. At least, that's what NASA and a bunch of Wall Street types are betting on.

How Speed Dating Works

Speed dating has roots in the Jewish faith, and was intended to help singles find others related to the faith. Find out how speed dating works.

How the Uncanny Valley Works

When a super-realistic android or video character gives us a creepy feeling, it enters the uncanny valley. Why do we get spooked, and what can we do to avoid it?

Causation vs. Correlation Explained With 10 Examples

If you step on a crack, you'll break your mother's back. Surely you know this jingle from childhood. It's a silly example of a correlation with no causation. But there are some real-world instances that we often hear, or maybe even tell?

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