Search Results | providence river

Your search for "providence river" returned 585 results

Major Rivers Trivia Quiz

Whether or not you get these questions right, "old man river keeps rolling along!" Do you know as much as you think you do about the world's biggest rivers? Put your knowledge to the test and see how well you do!

10 Longest Rivers in the U.S.: From the Missouri to the Brazos

We bet you're looking up the longest river in the U.S. to settle a bet: Is it the Missouri River or the Mississippi River? It depends how you measure.

Mary River Turtle Is Last of Ancient Lineage

The Mary River turtle is one strange looking fellow. Get to know him and how he's connected to the dinosaurs at HowStuffWorks.

Yangtze Finless Porpoise: The World's Only Freshwater Porpoise

The Yangtze River, known as the longest river in Asia, is not only a vital waterway but also a critical habitat for various species. One such species is the Yangtze finless porpoise, the world's one and only species of freshwater porpoise.

How Irrigation Works

Irrigation provides water to plants. Learn how different types of irrigation work and examine the advantages and disadvantages of different types of irrigation.

Pablo Escobar's Escaped Hippos Now Roam Wild in Colombia Rivers

Hippos once owned by Pablo Escobar now haunt Colombian rivers after escaping from captivity. Learn more from HowStuffWorks.

Mokele-Mbembe: The Truth Behind Africa's Mythical River Monster

Mokele-Mbembe is a legendary creature of African folklore that is rumored to inhabit Congo's remote swamps. Here's the story of this dinosaur-like cryptid.

The Eastern Indigo Snake Lives in Gopher Tortoise Burrows

The eastern indigo snake takes advantage of a unique shelter that provides much-needed protection to the endangered species and its young.

Do You Know Texas Outside of the Big Cities?

If you think you know Texas but don’t know the small town scene, then think again. Small towns are the deep heart of Texas. Can you hang your hat off the beaten path? Find out by stepping off the highway and into this quiz!

Pacu Fish: The Piranha Cousin With Human-like Teeth

In 2023, 11-year-old Charlie Clinton from Oklahoma made headlines by catching a pacu — a South American fish known for its human-like teeth — in a pond behind his house, far from its native Amazon habitat.

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