Search Results | probability

Your search for "probability" returned 9,121 results

10 People You Probably Didn't Know Were Black

Some people don't appear to be Black. Learn about 10 people you probably didn't know were Black in this list from HowStuffWorks.

If You Hear a Scream in a Movie, It's Probably the Wilhelm Scream

You may not know it, but you've probably heard it hundreds of times. It's the same scream of agony that's been used over and over in films since 1977.

20 Diseases You've Probably Never Heard Of

There are many diseases out there you've never heard of. We've put together the top 20 diseases you've probably never heard of that are rare and unusual.

What Are Confidence Intervals in Statistics?

Science requires that we make guesses, which is why we have confidence intervals.

10 Scientific Words You're Probably Using Wrong

If you have a theory that potato chips are making you fat (with the proof being your expanding waistline), you've just used two scientific terms in a very unscientific way.

What the Stuff?!: 6 Common Sayings You’re (Probably) Saying Wrong

Let's face it - English is a tricky language, full of exceptions, inconsistencies, and strange figurative expressions. Chances are, you might be getting a few of them wrong.

What the Stuff?!: 4 Scientific Words You're Probably Using Wrong

We all like to toss around words borrowed from science to class up our own speech, but chances are you're taking some very unscientific liberties with its usage. Here are 4 scientific terms you might be using wrong.

10 Common Sayings You're Probably Saying Wrong

Maybe you could care less about grammar. After all, it's a doggy-dog world? No. That might sound right, but it's one of 10 common phrases people say wrong.

The Hope Diamond Probably Isn't Cursed, After All

Holly and Tracy of Stuff You Missed in History Class explain why the stories of the Hope diamond have been greatly exaggerated.

10 Places You're Probably Being Watched Every Day

Is there any place you can go and not be watched? Find out 10 places where you're watched every day at HowStuffWorks.

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