Search Results | prairie

Your search for "prairie" returned 207 results

Why You Should Totally Dig Prairie Dogs

These chunky little guys aren't dogs at all. They're actually part of the rodent family and they're shockingly smart.

Can I catch plague from a prairie dog?

Prairie dog plague has killed a huge percentage of the prairie dog population. Learn why prairie dog plague is a serious threat, and if you'll catch it.

Lisianthus, Prairie Gentian

Lisianthus, or prairie gentian, is an annual with roselike flowers. Forever Blue is an award winning variety. Learn about lisianthus.

The 'Little House on the Prairie' Quiz

The "Little House on the Prairie" book series and the TV show, based on the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder, are classics in their respective genres. Test your knowledge of the books, the show -- and the differences between them.

Think you know the TV show Little House on the Prairie?

If Laura had a remembrance book, there's one thing she'd want to put in it: her adventures in the American Midwest. The TV series, though, was only loosely based on the book series, and took liberties with the story over its nine seasons. Albert Ingalls, for instance, appears only on the show. Mary's husband, too. See how much you remember about the pioneer life of the Ingalls family and the town of Walnut Grove.

Black-Tailed Prairie Dog

Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, believe it not, does not resemble the typical dog at all. Get facts at HowStuffWorks.

Good Excuse, or Is There Actually a Cheating Gene?

The real story about the roots of infidelity and monogamy is far more complicated than whether you have the "cheating gene."

Do Coyotes and Badgers Work Together to Find Food?

Coyotes and badgers may be unlikely hunting allies, but research shows that these two work together to snare food. How do coyotes and badgers work together?

Annual Black-Eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisy

Black-eyed Susan, also called gloriosa daisy, is a type of annual flower. Learn about growing, propagating, and using black-eyed Susan.

Full Sun Annuals

Many annuals require full sunlight, or six to eight hours each day. Learn which plants need more sun on How Things Work.

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