Search Results | poet

Your search for "poet" returned 326 results

The Delightfully Eccentric World of Shel Silverstein

HowStuffWorks gets to know prolific children's writer Shel Silverstein, poet, musician, illustrator and man of many talents and interests.

Can You Guess If It’s a Taylor Swift Lyric or a Line of Poetry?

"Swift Things Are Beautiful," at least according to poet Elizabeth Coatsworth. Can you tell the difference between these Taylor Swift lyrics and lines of poetry? Hum the words or picture them in a book; just pick the songs and the sonnets!

Robert Frost Quiz

"And that has made all the difference."-Robert Frost. How much do you know about the acclaimed poet and his famous works about rural life? Find out by taking this quiz!

Shakespeare Wrote in Iambic Pentameter. But What Is That?

William Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer used iambic pentameter in their works of literature. But what is iambic pentameter and how can you spot it?

Elemental Haiku: A Poetic Take on the Periodic Table

Award-winning poet and fiction writer Mary Soon Lee has found a charming way to combine science and poetry in a refreshing new take on the periodic table of elements.

How the Harlem Renaissance Sparked a New African American Identity

The historic period of the Harlem Renaissance hit its height a century ago, but its influence has impacted American culture through the decades.

The Evolution of Medusa, the Snake-haired Gorgon, from Maiden to Monster

The most famous story about her says she was so hideous that people who gazed at her would turn to stone. But Medusa was a victim of the Greek gods as well as a victimizer.

Want to Be a Manlier Man? Use These Tips From Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman once moonlighted as a men's health writer, and his columns have now been published as a book. Learn why at HowStuffWorks .

6 Things You Didn't Know About Maya Angelou

Learn more about Maya Angelou, a true Renaissance woman, in this HowStuffWorks article.

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