Search Results | plumage

Your search for "plumage" returned 49 results

6 Facts About the Majestic Snowy Owl

From the fictional Hedwig in the Harry Potter series, to those that live wild and free, the snowy owl is one of the most captivating species of owl in the world.

5 Quetzal Species Flying in Central and South America

The quetzal is a colorful, tropical bird that has fascinated humans for thousands of years. One species in particular, the resplendent quetzal, is thought to have inspired Quetzalcoatl" target="_blank">Quetzalcóatl, the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god.

Did dinosaurs have feathers?

Did dinosaurs have feathers? Some evidence found on fossils suggest that at least some kinds did. Find out did dinosaurs have feathers?

4 Kākāpō Facts That Are Almost Too Cool to Be True

The kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) is a large flightless bird from New Zealand. Also known as the owl parrot and the night parrot, it has an owl-like face but isn't an owl at all; it's a flightless parrot.

Velociraptor Alert: The Feathered Dinosaur Quiz

Test your knowledge of the fluffy, winged dinos of the bygone Mesozoic era, from little Microraptor to the enormous Yutyrannus with this quiz.

Which Bird of Prey Are You?

Avian predators may have in common the fact that they are all beautiful, but they have different habitats, looks, and styles. Which of these hunters of the sky are you?

The Ultimate Bird Quiz

Can you tell an osprey from an owlet? With the new protocols in avian diversity, there are now a reported 18,000 different species of birds. Take this quiz and find out!

Can You Identify All of These Toothless Animals?

There are plenty of animals on the planet that have nothing to smile about! Some of these toothless wonders will totally surprise you. Can you name them all?

Go Bird Watching with Us in Africa and See if You Can Identify These Birds!

Bird watching is a popular pastime throughout the world, and every region has unique species for enthusiasts to spot. Travel with us to Africa and see if you can identify each of these regional birds.

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